Thursday, May 18, 2006

3 down, 1 to go!

I am almost done for the year, I just finished my third of four finals and turned in my last paper for the year; it was on economic policy in climate change. Finite is all that is left, and a take home test for the same class. I will be done sometime today with prep, I am hoping by a reasonable time as well 8-9 tonight. Then I have the evening off, my last test tomorrow morning at 10:30 followed by my last duty night of the year tomorrow night. It should be good times. When it is all over and done I start work on Monday, turns out I could actually start anytime after tomorrow; that’s how much they need help. But I think I am going to wait till at least Sunday to start because I am going home Saturday for spring fest. Anyway, I know this was kind of dull and autobiographical, but I am done... Hope the end of the year went well for everyone, and congrats to Matt on his Georgetown graduation!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Days like this keep me warm.

Today is such a beautiful day! I love days like today. Warm, sunny, smells like spring (but my allergies are not acting up), it is just wonderful.

On that note I finished 2 of my 4 finals today, Human Geography and Christian Morality down, Micro Econ and Finite left. The rest of my week is pretty busy; I need to write some stuff and do a take home test, not to mention study for the two remaining finals. Overall though so far so good and I am not worried too much. Ah well, that’s about it in my exiting life for now.

Oh, points if you can get the song reference in the title.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Welcome to the work force!

So I am working at the Grace Desk right now, or the gdesk for short. While I spend 5 hours here every Monday I thought that it might be nice to get something productive done. Today’s agenda is my homework, performance review, and laundry. The first one I have not started, the second I thought about, and the third I am almost done with. While I was working my way through the laundry something quite peculiar came to mind... this might be the first generation of ladies that does not know how to do laundry.

When I came to school last year I only had a vague idea of how to run the washer and dryer, and after a call home I got everything worked out with what goes where and which buttons I should push. This year when I was doing my laundry I watched a male freshman do his laundry by putting the soap and dirty clothes into a dryer and then sit there for an hour and watch it, only to wonder why nothing really happened. In short, I understand that young men might not know how to do laundry at all. But that has been the general tone of America for the last few generations.

Now, as I work on my laundry in the woman’s dorm it occurred to me that the force of change from woman in the household to woman in the work place might have some adverse affects.

When I went to put my laundry into the washer I found it full of lint... I am not even sure how that is possible. After washing my clothes I put them into a dryer, which was also full of lint. Upon inspecting the lint trap I discovered the source of the problem; it looked as if it had not been cleaned in 20 or so loads. I pulled off 4 handfuls of lint and then needed to try and get the excess out of the collection receptacle. After this I noticed two lint traps that were outside the dryers while they were running and lastly, I watched a young lady act dumbfounded after her new white shirt was turned a rosy shade of pink.

Now I am not saying that woman belong in the home and not in the workplace; that is actually the furthest thing from my mind. I am just a little curious about who is going to be doing the laundry when all of us young college kids grow up, or are we all going to be wearing varying shades of pink and expecting the dryer to do its job and the washers too.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


The evolution of dance video on YouTube .
And People say white men can't dance.
Check it out.