Let It Be
It is lonely at school. I want summer to be done.
It is lonely at school. I want summer to be done.
Posted by Eric Michael Peterson at 2:42 PM 5 messages
So it has been a little while since the last time that I posted anything, but it has been a busy few weeks, so that’s my excuse. In any case classes finished out well, I ended up with two B+ a B and a B- overall not too bad in my opinion; next semester should be better though, I am back in Education Classes and I should enjoy them a little bit more and do a little better.
Summer is going well, I am working 8-4 Monday through Friday at St. Thomas on the Summer Conference Staff, and basically we are a hotel type house keeping staff. We clean up dorms and apartments, set them for conferences, and then when they are done we clean them up and get them ready for the next group. Overall the job is not too bad, the pay is a little low but the people I work with are nice and I get free housing to make up for it.
On that note I am living in Selby this summer. It is the newest building on campus (only open for one year now) so my room is pretty nice. My roommates are pretty nice too; I am living with 3 other guys: Josh, Erik, and Fabian. Josh is a pretty cool guy but never really around because he is living at home, Fabian is just an all around fun/funny character, and he is around more and more after being evicted from Ireland Hall. Erik... well he is pretty nice I guess and according to what he, and another person have said, is pretty ocd about cleaning... well in my short experience I will say this... for someone who is ocd about cleaning... he sure leaves a heck of a mess in our kitchen. Overall though it is not too bad, no one steals my food so that’s good at least.
Besides that I am just living as normal, seeing Emily less which sucks a lot, but I guess it could be worse. So yeah... I guess that’s it, and I will leave you all with the words of a man that checked in not too long ago: "It is governments that cause problems, we are all just living next to each other with no problems, I mean you don't see neighbors preemptive bombing each other cause there will be teenagers soon do you?"
Posted by Eric Michael Peterson at 8:11 PM 0 messages