So I am working again... It has been about 2 months since I left Kohl's and I finally have a new job working at IRT at St. Thomas. I found the job through a friend of mine, Tom, that works at IRT. Anyway today is my second day at the job and its not too bad so far. I more or less answer phone calls and emails of people having tech problems with the UST network. Most of the calls are about password resets and whatnot, which is easy and I can handle but some of the problems require a bit more computer/network knowhow that I think I lack atm. The hold button is my friend though, and I am working through any difficult problems. Besides the stress of not knowing how to answer some questions the rest of the job is pretty good, in the down time I can surf the net, watch movies, listen to music... update a blog.
Overall it is kinda nice to be working again, I just have to get used to the early mornings.