Inbound, Election day.
So it has been a little while since I last posted which has made me think that I should write a new blog. Anyway life is progressing here in Saint Paul. I am on track to graduate in December, in fact I just finished up my gym requirement... yeah I know it sounds odd but UST requires that everyone take a 0 credit gym class. They recommend that you take it your freshman year but that has not stopped my from putting it off until my fifth.
Besides basic life stuff the only really interesting thing I can think of, that Emily has not already blogged about, is that the election is coming up.
To start, a brief history. I was way into John McCain for the whole start and lead up to the convention, then I was presented with Sara Palin and things changed. I really did not like her at all. First of all I feel like she shot down the "our candidate has experience and the other guy doesn't" campaign a bit, and secondly I really liked that McCain was more middle of the road and well she is not in the middle of anything, unless you count nowhere. The next major problem I ran into was the economic crisis and the candidate responses, I guess my problem here was that McCain's camp was hesitant to even discuss that there was an economic problem to speak of.
From there it was a down hill slide for McCain in my mind. Now, I do not mean this to be pro Obama because, well, I am not sure that I am. My dislike of McCain at this point has not lead to the overcoming of my Obama problems. I truly am not sure what I am going to do on Election day.
If I do vote Obama it will be because I want change, and while I am not sure what his "change" is I am starting to care less and less.
So did my post help you think through any of this?
Well, I had more or less arrived at my conclusions before reading your post but I do believe your post was good for addressing this type of rationalization.
Justification is needed in either case to explain how you can feel confident voting for either candidate.
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