sick and tired
So it is November 7th, and minus a few minor problems I was able to get out and vote. Every time there is an election I get this sick feeling in my stomach. I have decided that I do not want to vote anymore. I do not like my options... I never really feel good about what I am doing, and then I finally make a decision and later regret it, or am made to regret it. The only person I voted for that I really felt good about, and still feel good about has a whopping 3% of the vote. Yay for my vote!
So I was talking with someone about voting and important issues when it comes being Catholic. I understand the importance of establishing a pro-life platform as the basis for change. That makes sense to me, I agree. However, sometimes I have a hard time resolving voting pro-life when the candidate that says s/he is pro-life does not really seem like that great of a person, or their voting history calls their claims into question. Or, what about the candidate that are pro-life but not for anything else that I care about? How do you resolve these issues? How should I?
I have a notion in my head, and it seems to be growing more and more recently, that the American mentality on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is really out of focus. I do not think the mindset of our country is anywhere near where it needs to be in order for change to take place. Pro-life in a pro-death country, how can change take place when everything about our country seems to be focused on preserving and moving against positive change?
I think you need to be a little more hopeful. There are certainly some good candidates out there, and frankly there seem to be a growning number of them. For example, Harry Reid will now be Senate Majority leader, and he kicks butt. I think there's this growing sense that neither party accurately represents a wide number of Americans, and that more and more people think like we do. Give it 10 to 12 years and things might be much better.
Also, I might be running then.
really? me too.
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