Monday, January 28, 2008


So Emily and I went out to D.C. to do some sight seeing and visit her brother Matt and his wife Laura. Overall the trip was really good, we got to eat at a lot of great local restaurants and see a lot of the sights; for more of a run down on what happened you can go check out Emily's blog. There is one story that I wish to mention though; one night the four of us were walking through Crystal City (Crystal City is the name of the area Matt and Laura live in) to go to Cold Stone, well we were walking through the underground mall like shopping structure that from what I gather makes up a large part of Crystal City. Anyway, in the halls of this subterranean labyrinth there were posters, or ads rather, all over the walls. Every other ad, it seemed, was the same gentleman wearing a kimono and brandishing a sword in the wilderness with the subtitle "If this is what he does in his free time imagine what he does at work". The add was for some rinky dink community college and was just overall very humorous. Most of the trip to Cold Stone we spent making fun of the gentleman in the ad and his general nerdiness but on the trip home we paid little heed to them seeing how we had already exhausted all we could say and more importantly we had delicious ice cream to eat. To all of our surprise on the way back we came up to a man and a woman standing in the hallway next to one of the aforementioned ads. The man was taking a picture of his lady friend with the ad. Why would the woman want her picture with the ad though? Could it be they found it just as humorous as we did? The answer is no; she wanted the picture of her with the ad because she was indeed out on a date with the infamous star of the ad. What can I say some chicks must dig kimonos right?

Some pics from the trip...

Sunday, January 13, 2008


So Em and I are watching Firefly now and I have to say so far I really like it. The story is good and the characters are very likable. Overall it is a lot better then I had expected. Bryan and Cindy are watching it also and have the other half of the season so we might not get to finish it before we have to bring it back to DC with us (Matt is loaning it to his family and we are brining it back with us when we go visit him and Laura this coming week). That is all I have so far; if you have seen the series let me know what you think.

Oh and to answer Greg's comment on my last post I have 2 primary characters a lvl70 Hunter and a lvl70 Priest.

Monday, January 07, 2008


So my wife recently wrote a post on her blog, viewable here about the game World of Warcraft; which I spend my fair share of time playing. In any case I just want to say that I agree with Greg's comment, viewable here , either way I think WoW is a social game; after all the image below would not have been possible without the team work of myself and 24 other individuals. Just my 2 cents on the subject.