Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Inbound, Election day.

So it has been a little while since I last posted which has made me think that I should write a new blog. Anyway life is progressing here in Saint Paul. I am on track to graduate in December, in fact I just finished up my gym requirement... yeah I know it sounds odd but UST requires that everyone take a 0 credit gym class. They recommend that you take it your freshman year but that has not stopped my from putting it off until my fifth.
Besides basic life stuff the only really interesting thing I can think of, that Emily has not already blogged about, is that the election is coming up.
To start, a brief history. I was way into John McCain for the whole start and lead up to the convention, then I was presented with Sara Palin and things changed. I really did not like her at all. First of all I feel like she shot down the "our candidate has experience and the other guy doesn't" campaign a bit, and secondly I really liked that McCain was more middle of the road and well she is not in the middle of anything, unless you count nowhere. The next major problem I ran into was the economic crisis and the candidate responses, I guess my problem here was that McCain's camp was hesitant to even discuss that there was an economic problem to speak of.
From there it was a down hill slide for McCain in my mind. Now, I do not mean this to be pro Obama because, well, I am not sure that I am. My dislike of McCain at this point has not lead to the overcoming of my Obama problems. I truly am not sure what I am going to do on Election day.
If I do vote Obama it will be because I want change, and while I am not sure what his "change" is I am starting to care less and less.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

A relic from the past.

Well the blogger addon for my side bar did not really help the posting frequency; but here I am writing again anyway, several weeks later.

As the title of this blog suggests I feel like a relic. This last week I started up at UST again for the 5th year and after walking around, and sitting in my classes, the best word to describe how I felt, is, a relic.

The thing is, as I walk around campus the faces of friends I have made have come and gone. Sitting in my classes I see the excitement of younger students as they realize all of their friends are in this class too, just as I think all my friends have already moved on. Looking around I see faces that look so young, I know that is a little silly seeing as I am only 22, but they look never the less young. Common ground between me and the rest of my class is no longer there as it once was, I have moved on, both in age and in understanding.

I am not sure what else to write but I just can not help but feel, as I start out my last semester, that I just do not belong.

On a side note two things that I have been checking out recently that are pretty cool and worth sharing are Pandora which is a custom radio station that is free, you just tell it the name of one band or artist you like and it will go from there. The second thing is Google Chrome which is the new web browser from Google, it is nothing too amazingly new but I like its "homepage" set up and its combined search and address bar.

Now a movie quote, idea stolen from my beautiful wife's blog.

How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand there is no going back.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Blogger Buddy.

So I just downloaded this thing called blogger buddy. It is supposed to let me write blog posts from my vista side bar without me ever having to open up the IE. Maybe that means that I will post more. Anyway nothing is really too new right now, Emily and I are in our new place and we are loving it. School is coming up soon; it seems like summer has been so short. Anyway with the new school year comes having to figure out if I am going to grad school, Emily starting grad school, and both of us figuring out jobs and incomes for the year... so yeah this is the end of the calm before the storm I guess. Really though I make it sound worse than it is, after all its just more school right?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Passed out.

So I passed out today, and not like you would think. I was at work, I had a pretty bad headache and I bumped my knee on my desk. Well it hurt pretty bad so I ended up getting up and walking to the far wall, hoping that walking a little might help it out... you know the old adage "walk it off". Anyway I get to the far wall and I braced my hand against it and the next thing I know I was being revived by my coworker. I got up and went to my desk and sat there for a bit. So I guess I passed out, and the strange thing is I feel like I had a dream or whatever in that time period of however long. Very strange. Anyway I ended up cutting out of work early to go to health services and then when I couldn't get in I set up an appointment and went home with the help of Emily.

So yeah that was my day at work today.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The summer goes on.

So summer is moving along now, it is July. Emily and I will both be back in classes in another 2 months.

I am not really sure what to right, summer has been pretty good so far, not too much to write about, and not too much to complain about. I have been able to pretty much relax a lot which has been nice. The downside of the summer is that Emily and I are going to have to move in another month. We need to be out by July 31st. The crappy thing is that we still do not have an apartment, we are working on it though. I will update when we know more about that.

I hope everyone else is enjoying the summer as best they can.