Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jelly Belly

Ok, in the grocery store there is an entire line of Jelly Belly containers, they are priced at like $5/lb. and there are a multitude of different kinds available. That is the background, now the question, is it okay to sample (sample meaning one or two jelly beans) one or two different kinds in order to discover which kind you wish to purchase?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Caucus '08

So yesterday was super tuesday and boy was it a hoot. Well neither Emily or I went out and caucused but we thought about it, well at least I did. Either way I have heard some pretty funny stories about how it went down this election cycle here in good old MN and wow is all I have to say.

From what I have heard there were so many people that went out that most people were writing down their choice of candidate on the backs of scratch paper and even receipts. Overall the system sounded like it was pretty chaotic but interesting to listen to in any case.

So, what do you all think of the caucus and how our system is working? Like it, don't like it?