My 8th grade classes
Well, school is kind of dull this semester my classes are not too bad in general, even if they are 8th grade classes, or so I am told. The lineup looks like this: Finite Mathematics, Microeconomics, Human Geography, and Christian Morality. I personally do not think my semester is too much like 8th grade, but then again generals are more like high school plus, well at least for some of them (cough....math....cough). Life is good otherwise, last night Emily and I went to the Wild game and had a good time there. There was a moment of silence for Kirby which was really nice. The best part about the night was wear our seats were... now you have to understand that we got these tickets free from TCF bank, Emily won them, and wow... we had... and this is not an exaggeration, the farthest back seats possible, we were not even in the stands, we were at some bar like thing overlooking the stands overlooking the rink... it still had a good view, but wow... the absolute furthest back that you can get. Anyway that’s what’s going on right now, look for more info later.
I didn't know that emily won tickets. she never tells me anything.
sorry. i didn't think it was a huge deal. eric, why is your comments link so small?
there are no bad views in the excel center. but yeah, i know what seats you're talking about, some people intentionally buy those tickets because they like the whole sitting at the bar thing.
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